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Instructions for Abeka

Below is a template that you can use to help your students and parent onboard to ProTeach School streaming.


To ensure that your child is able to continue his education from home, Abeka has offered an online learning solution through ProTeach. We will assign the appropriate class assignments to your child.

Here’s all the information you need to get started:

•Username and Password: We’ve already created a unique username and password for you. Use this information to log in at (If you haven’t received a username and password, please contact us.)

How To Log In:

1.Go to

2.Click Log In

3.Enteruser name (student's first and last name no spaces no caps)

4. Enter password (morningstar9)

5.Click Hello

6.Click on Dashboard, where your child’s assigned videos will be. You can also watch an instructional video at If you haven’t already, download the video manuals. Video Manuals are step-by-step guides that will help with the transition to temporary home education. Please communicate with your child’s teacher about lessons, homework assignments, etc.

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